MediCare Part D Prescription Drug Adjustments 2020
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have released the 2020 adjustments for Medicare Part D prescription drug benefits. Following are select modified limits relating to the standard drug benefit and the retiree drug subsidy.
Standard Benefit Design |
| 2020 | 2019 |
Deductible | $435 | $415 |
Initial coverage limit | $4,020 | $3,820 |
Out-of-pocket Threshold | $6,350 | $5,100 |
Maximum Cost Sharing in Catastrophic Coverage Portion of Benefit: § Generic/Preferred Multi-Source Drug § Other | $3.60 $8.95 | $3.40 $8.50 |
Retiree Drug Subsidy Amounts |
| 2020 | 2019 |
Cost Threshold | $435 | $415 |
Cost Limit | $8,950 | $8,500 |
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